A gallery with an extensive collection of location pictures from all over India will be available shortly.


The Indian film industry is one of largest in the world and hence, a wide variety of film and video equipment is readily available. This includes cameras in formats like 35mm, 16mm, Red, High-Definition, Digital Betacam etc. along with a range of lenses, film stocks and videotapes. The lighting equipment on hand is also quite extensive and is efficiently supplemented with various generators to suit all kinds of power needs. Other equipment required during a production like cranes, jibs, dollys, steadicams, vanity vans, mobile toilets etc. are also available and so is an array of modern sound equipment. We have a long-standing association with almost all major suppliers of this equipment. This enables us to not only obtain the very best equipment, but also to get it at highly competitive rates.



We have access to a network of experienced and highly qualified professionals comparable to international standards. These professionals have worked on a wide range of projects including international ones. The network covers the entire gamut of production personnel including Directors Of Photography, Production Designers, Assistant Directors, Line Producers, Production Assistants, Location Scouts, Sound Technicians Gaffers, Grips, Make-Up/Hair/Wardrobe Stylists etc.


There is a huge reservoir of Indian talent available here due to the sheer size of the Indian film industry. Therefore, talent of various kinds can be arranged for depending upon your requirement. This includes the main cast, supporting cast, dancers, extras, specialized performers etc. These can be sourced from a number of professional casting agencies. Also available are international casting agencies with their pool of international talent. So whatever your casting need, we will be happy to assist you to source the best talent.

Travel, Accommodation & Food

India has a fairly well structured air network in its major centers and towns. However, road or train travel may be required to reach certain destinations. Based on your requirements and the options available, we will chart out the most efficient travel plan for you and also arrange for your preferred mode of travel at a competitive rate.

We have also over a period of time established good relationships with both big luxury hotels and smaller establishments and are hence able to offer a wide variety of accommodation options at very favorable rates.

We realize that food is a major concern for international crews coming to India. Therefore, we have on our panel caterers/chefs who specialize in specific cuisines. So, if continental cuisine is your requirement, that is what will be served to you during the production. Also of paramount importance to us is hygiene involved in preparing and serving the food and in the disposal of the garbage. As a result, our entire mechanism is geared towards ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.


For anyone wishing to shoot in India, it is obligatory for them to fulfill certain legal requirements. Beginning from acquiring visas to obtaining necessary shoot permissions from the concerned authorities, it is important to handle these issues correctly and efficiently. This is where we come in. By providing you with information about documentation required, time frames involved, the do’s/don’ts once you are in India, we facilitate a completely hassle-free production experience for you so that you can focus on the creative job on hand.